Disney Ideas

Hidden Disney Treasure; The Main Street USA Pianists

One of my favorite things about the Disney theme parks are those hidden treasures that are often not discovered during a guest's first visit, and perhaps not even during the second, but that provide magical moments on successive trips.

As Lou Mongello often says, one can compare the Disney theme parks to a giant, yummy, cake made from multiple layers. Some of these layers are obvious and visible even on a first visit (like the Disney attractions or characters that we all love) yet other layers of cake (the windows on Main Street USA or the Hidden Mickeys for example) are usually revealed over successive visits to The World and it is precisely these small magical details that allow us to enjoy new things on every trip to Disneyland and Disney World.

In today’s post we discover one of those Disney treasures, hidden in plain view, that goes unnoticed by most guests but once discovered becomes a must for future trips to the Disney parks. Of course, we’re talking about the fabulous ragtime pianists located just off Main Street USA in Disneyland Park and WDW’s Magic Kingdom.

At Magic Kingdom you can find these talented pianists "tickling the ivories" in the outdoor terrace of Casey’s Corner – just off Main Street USA before reaching the hub - while at Disneyland they are usually located in the courtyard of the Coca Cola Refreshment Corner.

Perhaps one of the most memorable pianists ever to have played at Disneyland is Rod Miller, who entertained park guests five days a week from 1969 until his retirement in 2006. Rod began playing the piano in the sixties, in a pizzeria, until a Disney scout discovered his talent and invited him to play in the park.

As a child, Rod suffered an accident that severely damaged his back and doctors said that he would never walk or sit upright in a chair for long periods of time. Incredibly, despite this, Rod persevered and delighted guests for over 30 years often playing during 8 hours a day. There's a bit of Disney magic for you : )

Rod Miller - along with other veteran piano players and equally spectacular artists like Johnny Hodges, Stan Long and Robert Glenn - gave way to a new generation of fresh talent including Jonny May, Alan Thompson Jr. and “Disney Jim” who’s talent we can enjoy today at Walt Disney World…

Although these piano players tend to specialize in ragtime – an American musical genre that became popular in the late nineteenth century characterized by syncopated or "ragged," rhythm - also play famous Disney tunes like this one:

So, the next time you visit Disneyland or Disney World, please make sure to check out these musical prodigies because it’s definitely something worth experiencing!

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